
姓 名:李凤娜 性 别:女

职 务:研究中心副主任

职 称:研究员 学 历:博士

电 话:13574168188 通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号

传 真:(+86)731-84612685 邮政编码:410125




2009年博士毕业于中国农业大学动物科学技术学院动物营养专业,同年进入中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所畜禽健康养殖与农牧复合生态研究中心工作至今。2015年前往美国新泽西州立大学(罗格斯大学Rutgers University)营养科学系进行为期一年的访问学习。兼任中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会理事和副秘书长、中国高科技产业化研究会饲料分会常务理事和副秘书长。长期致力于:猪优良肉品质形成基础及其营养调控技术,为畜禽产品品质的改善和饲料资源的高效利用奠定理论基础,也为人类营养研究提供参考。近5年,以第一或通讯作者在国内外重要学术期刊发表SCI论文25篇,获国家发明专利和软件著作权7项,制定国家或地方标准2项,副主编著作2部;先后主持国家重点研发计划课题、973项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目和湖南省重点研发计划项目等国家和省部级各类项目12项,完成湖南省成果鉴定2项,获中华农业科技奖2项。2017年入选湖南省“湖湘青年英才支持计划”,2019年获中国科学院广州分院“优秀青年科学家”荣誉称号,2020年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员,同年获湖南省“杰青”资助,2021年入选湖南省“科技创新领军人才”。













9.湖南省杰出青年基金:AMPK /PGC-1 通路介导猪氧化型肌纤维的形成机制及其营养调控(2020JJ2030),2020.01-2022.12,50万元









18.国家自然科学青年基金:肌肉细胞因子—白介素15 对猪肌内脂肪细胞成脂的调控及其机制研究(31001015),2011.01-2013.12,22万元


1.Yin YJ, Gong SM, Han MM, Wang JZ, Shi HJ, Jiang XJ, Guo L, Duan YH, Guo QP, Chen QH, Li FN (通讯作者). Leucine regulates lipid metabolism in adipose tissue through adipokine-mTOR-SIRT1 signaling pathway and bile acid-microbe axis in a finishing pig model. Animal Nutrition. 2024, 16 :158-173.

2.Guo L, Quan M, Pang WJ, Yin YL*, Li FN (通讯作者). Cytokines and exosomal miRNAs in skeletal muscle–adipose crosstalk. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2023, 34(10): 666-681.

3.Jiang SW, Quan W, Luo J, Lou AH, Zhou XH, Li FN*, Shen QW*. Low-protein diets supplemented with glycine improves pig growth performance and meat quality: An untargeted metabolomic analysis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2023, 10:1170573.

4.Gong SM, Yin YJ, Han MM, Guo L, Duan YH, Guo QP, Yin J, Li FN (通讯作者). Dietary leucine and fish oil cooperatively regulate skeletal myofiber type transformation via the CaMKII signaling pathway of pigs. Food & Function. 2023, 14(1):133-147.

5.LY Zhang, QP Guo, YH Duan, WL Wang, YH Yang, YJ Yin, SM Gong, MM Han, Li FN (通讯作者), YL Yin. Potential nutritional healthy-aging strategy: enhanced protein metabolism by balancing branched-chain amino acids in a finishing pig model. Food and Function. 2022, 13(11): 6217-6232.

6.Zhou XH, Liu YH, Xiong X, Chen JQ, Tang WJ, He LQ*, Zhang ZG, Yin YL*, Li FN (通讯作者). Intestinal accumulation of microbiota-produced succinate caused by loss of microRNAs leads to diarrhea in weanling piglets. Gut Microbes. 2022, 14(1): 2091369.

7.Zhang LY, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Duan YH, Wang WL, Yang YH, Yin YJ, Gong SM, Han MM, Yin YL. Balanced branched-chain amino acids modulate meat quality by adjusting muscle fiber type conversion and intramuscular fat deposition in finishing pigs. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 102(9): 3796-3807.

8.He LQ, Zhou XH, Liu YH, Zhou LM, Li FN (通讯作者). Fecal miR-142a-3p from dextran sulfate sodium challenge recovered mice prevents colitis by promoting the growth. Molecular Therapy, 2022, 30(1): 388-399.

9.Wang WL, Li FN (通讯作者), Duan YH, Guo QP, Zhang LY, Yang YH, Yin YL, Han MM, Gong SM, Li JZ, He SP, Yin YL. Effects of Dietary Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation Derived from Lonicera macranthoides Hand-Mazz on Growth Performance, Free Amino Acid Profile, and Muscle Protein Synthesis in a Finishing Pig Model. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022: 6316611.

10.Duan YH, Song B, Zheng CB, Zhong YZ, Guo QP, Zheng J, Yin YL, Li JJ, Li FN (通讯作者). Dietary Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methyl Butyrate Supplementation Alleviates Liver Injury in Lipopolysaccharide-Challenged Piglets. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021: 5546843.

11.Zhou XH, Liu YH, Zhang LY, Kong XF, Li FN (通讯作者). Serine-to-glycine ratios in low-protein diets regulate intramuscular fat by affecting lipid metabolism and myofiber type transition in the skeletal muscle of growing-finishing pigs. Animal Nutrition, 2021, 7:384-392.

12.Zhong YZ, Yan ZM, Song B, Zheng CB, Duan YH, Kong XF, Deng J, Li FN (通讯作者). Dietary supplementation with betaine or glycine improves the carcass trait, meat quality and lipid metabolism of finishing mini-pigs. Animal Nutrition, 2021, 7:376-383.

13.Liu YY, Li Y, Xiao Y, Peng YL, He JH, Chen C, Xiao DF, Yin YL, Li FN (通讯作者). Mulberry leaf powder regulates antioxidative capacity and lipid metabolism in finishing pigs. Animal Nutrition, 2021, 7:421-429.

14.Zhang LY, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Duan YH, Wang WL, Yang YH, Yin YJ, Gong SM, Han MM, Yin YL. Different proportions of branched-chain amino acids modulate lipid metabolism in a finishing pig model. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69:7037-7048.

15.Wen CY, Guo QP, Wang WL, Duan YH, Zhang LY, Li JZ, He SP, Chen W, Li FN (通讯作者). Taurine Alleviates Intestinal Injury by Mediating Tight Junction Barriers in Diquat-Challenged Piglet Models. Frontiers in Physiology, 2020, 11: p449.

16.Zhang LY, Duan YH, Guo QP, Wang WL, Li FN* (通讯作者). A selectively suppressing amino acid transporter: Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2 inhibits cell growth and mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 pathway in skeletal muscle cells. Animal Nutrition, 2020, 6:513-520.

17.Yan ZM, Zhong YZ, Duan YH, Chen QH, Li FN (通讯作者). Antioxidant mechanism of tea polyphenols and its impact on health benefits. Animal Nutrition, 2020, 6:115-123.

18.Zhang LY, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Duan YH, Wang WL, Zhong YZ, Yang YH, Yin YL. Leucine Supplementation: A Novel Strategy for Modulating Lipid Metabolism and Energy Homeostasis. Nutrients, 2020, 12:1299.

19.Wen CY, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Zhang LY, Duan YH, Wang WL, Li JZ, He SP, Chen W, Yin YL. Protective effects of taurine against muscle damage induced by diquat in 35 days weaned piglets. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020, 11:56.

20.Guo QP, Li FN (通讯作者), Wen CY, Zhang LY, Duan YH, Wang WL, Huang RL, Yin YL. The changes in growth performance and lipid metabolism of pigs with yellow fat induced by high dietary fish oil. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 2020, 100: 154-164.

21.Guo QP, Li FN (通讯作者), Duan YH, Wen CY, Wang WL, Zhang LY, Huang RL, Yin YL. Oxidative stress, nutritional antioxidants and beyond. SCIENCE CHINA-Life Sciences. 2020, 63(6): 866-874.

22.Duan YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Song B, Zheng CB, Zhong YZ, Xu Kang, Kong XF, Yin YL, Wang WC, Shu G. -hydroxy- -methyl butyrate, but not -ketoisocaproate and excess leucine, stimulates skeletal muscle protein metabolism in growing pigs fed lowprotein diets. Journal of Functional Foods. 2019, 52: 34-42.

23.Wen CY, Li FN (通讯作者), Duan YH, Guo QP, Wang WL, Zhang LY, Li JZ, He SP, Chen W, Yin YL. Dietary taurine regulates free amino acid profiles and taurine metabolism in piglets with diquat-induced oxidative stress. Journal of Functional Foods. 2019, 62: 103569.

24.Wen CY, Li FN (通讯作者), Zhang LY, Duan YH, Guo QP, Wang WL, He SP, Li JZ, Yin YL. Taurine is involved in energy metabolism in muscles, adipose tissue, and the liver. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2019, 63: 1800536.

25.Liu YY#, Li YH#, Peng YL, He JH, Xiao DF, Chen C, Li FN (通讯作者), Huang RL, Yin YL. Dietary mulberry leaf powder affects growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality in finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2019, 103:1934–1945.

26.Duan YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Wang WL, Zhang LY, Wen CY, and Yin YL. Branched-chain amino acid ratios modulate lipid metabolism in adipose tissues of growing pigs. Journal of Functional Foods. 2018, 40: 614-624.

27.Duan YH#, Zhang LY#, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Long CM, Yin YL, Kong XF, Peng MJ, Wang WC. Beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate modulates lipid metabolism in adipose tissues of growing pigs. Food & Function. 2018, 9: 4836-4846.

28.Li YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Duan YH, Guo QP, Wen CY, Wang WL, Huang XG, Yin YL. Low-protein diet improves meat quality of growing and finishing pigs through changing lipid metabolism, fiber characteristics, and free amino acid profile of the muscle. Journal of Animal Science. 2018, 96(8): 3221-3232.

29.Li YH#, Liu YY#, Li FN (通讯作者), Lin Q, Dai QZ, Sun JB, Huang XG, Chen XA, Yin YL. Effects of dietary ramie powder at various levels on carcass traits and meat quality in finishing pigs. Meat Science. 2018, 143:52-59.

30.Li FN, Li YH, Duan YH, Hu CA, Tang YL, Yin YL. Myokines and adipokines: Involvement in the crosstalk between skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Cytokine & Growth Factors Review. 2017, 33:73-82.

31.Li YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Duan YH, Guo QP, Wang WL, Wen CY, Huang XG, Yin YL. The protein and energy metabolic response of skeletal muscle to the low-protein diets in growing pigs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65(13): 8544-8551.

32.Duan YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Guo QP, Wang WL, Zhang LY, Wen CY, and Yin YL. Branched-chain amino acid ratios modulate lipid metabolism in adipose tissues of growing pigs. Journal of Functional Foods. 2018, 40: 614-624.

33.Duan YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Tan BE, Yao K, Yin YL. Metabolic control of myofibers: promising therapeutic target for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Obesity reviews. 2017, 18(6):647-659.

34.Duan YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Wang WL, Guo QP, Wen CY, Li YH, Yin YL. Interleukin-15 in obesity and metabolic dysfunction: current understanding and future perspectives. Obesity reviews. 2017, 18 (10):1147-1158.

35.Li YH, Wei HK, Li FN (通讯作者), Duan YH, Guo QP, Yin YL. Effects of Low-Protein Diets Supplemented with Branched-Chain Amino Acid on Lipid Metabolism in White Adipose Tissue of Piglets. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65(13):2839-2848.

36. Duan YH, Zeng LM, Li FN (通讯作者), Wang WL, Li YH, Guo QP, Ji YJ, Tan BE, Yin YL. Effect of branched-chain amino acid ratio on the proliferation, differentiation and the expression levels of key regulators involved in protein metabolism of myocytes. Nutrition. 2017, 36:8-16.

37.Li YH, Li FN (通讯作者), Wu L, Liu YY, Wei HK, Li TJ, Tan BE, Kong XF, Wu F, Duan YH, Oladele OA, Yin YL. Reduced dietary protein level influences the free amino acid and gene expression profiles of selected amino acid transceptors in skeletal muscle of growing pigs. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition (Berl). 2017, 101:96-104.

38.史寒婧,郭鎏,郭秋平,李凤娜(通讯作者). 肌肉-脂肪组织互作调节肌内脂肪沉积的分子机制研究进展. 动物营养学报,2023,35(8):4910-4919.

39.韩萌萌,龚赛明,殷运菊,罗杰,舒剑成,邓敦,沈康,郭秋平,李凤娜(通讯作者). 饲粮添加有机硒和铁对育肥猪肉品质、抗氧化特性以及关键转运载体基因表达的影响. 动物营养学报,2022,34(9):5630-5641.

40.杨玉环,梁晓晓,殷运菊,龚赛明,郭秋平,段叶辉,张灵煜,王文龙,李凤娜(通讯作者). 杜仲叶提取物对育肥猪肉品质和抗氧化性能的影响. 中国畜牧杂志,2022,58(8):262-269.

41.杨玉环,张灵煜,郭秋平,阳娟,段叶辉,李凤娜(通讯作者),枳实、枳壳的生物活性成分及其应用研究进展. 食品与药品,2021,23: 476-480.

42.李凤娜,尹杰,段叶辉,何流琴,李铁军,黄瑞林,印遇龙,猪低蛋白日粮的作用效应与技术实践进展. 农业现代化研究,2018,39(6):961-969.

43.郭秋平,胡魏,文超越,王文龙,段叶辉,李颖慧,李凤娜(通讯作者),黄瑞林*. 动物黄脂病的形成因素及其可能的机制. 动物营养学报,2018,30(2):421-427.

44.郭秋平,文超越,王文龙,段叶辉,李颖慧,孔祥峰,李凤娜(通讯作者). 低聚木糖对仔猪生长性能、肌肉组织营养成分含量及肌纤维类型组成的影响. 动物营养学报,2017,29(8):2769-2776.

45.郭秋平,文超越,王文龙,段叶辉,李颖慧,李凤娜(通讯作者). 肌纤维类型转化的分子信号通路及其营养调控进展. 动物营养学报,2017,29(6):1836-1842.

46.文超越,李勇,邢伟刚,段叶辉,李颖慧,张宇喆,李凤娜(通讯作者). 饲粮减少矿物元素对育肥猪生长性能、肉品质、血清生化指标以及骨骼肌矿物元素含量的影响. 动物营养学报,2017,29(2):597-604.

47.李凤娜 副主编,印遇龙主编.常见农产品加工副产物饲料化利用. 长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,2021. (湖南省重大主题出版项目、国家农家书屋重点出版物推荐目录)


1.段叶辉,李凤娜,郭秋平,黎智华,祝倩,李铁军,孔祥峰,印遇龙. 一种猪肉检测取样设备. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202310949182.6,授权日期:2023.11.10.

2.周锡红,李凤娜,孔祥峰,吴信,印遇龙,刘刚,何流琴,万丹. 一种改善肉品质的育肥猪预混料添加剂及其制备方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201810720960.3,授权日期:2021.08.03.


4.李凤娜,印遇龙,孔祥峰,段叶辉,徐康,郭秋平,沈清武,杨哲,陈晓安,罗杰,于济世. 优质风味猪肉通用要求. 湖南省地方标准DB43/T 2605-2023. 发布日期:2023. 04.10.

5.李凤娜参与. 畜禽肉追溯要求. 国家标准GB/T 40465-2021. 发布日期:2021. 08.20.

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