
姓 名:李峰 性 别:男

职 务:

职 称:研究员 学 历:博士

电 话:(86)-731-84619739 通迅地址:湖南长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号

传 真:(86)-731-84612685 邮政编码:410125



博士,中国科学院特聘骨干研究员,湖南洞庭湖湖泊湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站副站长(CERN站),湖南省生态学会理事,湖南省湿地保护专家库成员,中南林业科技大学及湖南农业大学兼职导师,Frontiers in Earth Science副主编、《应用生态学报》和Frontier in Plant Science编委。主要从事流域生态学、湿地植被演替、湿地生态化学计量学、湿地生态恢复等方面研究。先后担任青年地学论坛第三届理事、中国自然资源学会青年委员会委员、中国地理学会长江分会理事、中国海洋湖沼学会湖泊分会理事、中国环境科学学会湿地环境生态保育与功能开发专业委员会委员、中国植物学会水生植物资源与环境专业委员会委员、洞庭湖流域生态保护修复国家创新联盟副理事长、国家林草局长江经济带生态保护科技协同创新中心理事。曾获中国科学院青年创新促进会会员及优秀会员、湖南省121创新人才培养工程第三层次人选、湖南省杰出青年等荣誉称号。主持国家重点研发计划课题及专题(各1项)、湖南省-国家自然科学基金委区域创新发展联合基金课题(1项)、国家自然科学基金青年及面上项目(3项)、湖南省重点研发项目、湖南省杰出青年基金等35项。在Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Pollution、Global Biogeochemical Cycles发表研究论文154篇,其中SCI源刊92篇,参编专著8部,申请发明专利8项,中办/省部级采纳建议4件。获湖南省科技自然科学奖二等奖一项(排名第三)。

















5.湖南省重点研发项目:洞庭湖区稻虾养殖废水处理与循环利用技术研发与示范 (2022NK2058,2022-2024)



8.湖南省重大水利科技项目课题:洞庭湖生态疏浚关键技术与装备研究及示范(课题负责人,XSKJ2022068-40,25万, 2023-2025)







1.Yuan, L.G., Geng M.M*., Li, F*. Xie,Yonghong, Tian Tian, Chen, Qian. 2024. Spatial and temporal characteristics and drivers of ecosystem service interactions in the Dongting Lake Basin. Science of the Total Environment.(accepted)

2.Geng, M.M., Qian, Z., Jiang, H., Huang, B., Huang, S.C., Deng, B., Peng, Y., Xie, Y.H., Li, F.*, Zou, Y.A., Deng, Z.M., Zeng, J. 2024. Assessing the impact of water-sediment factors on water quality to guide river-connected lake water environment improvement. Science of the Total Environment.912:168866.

3.Geng, M.M., Wang, K.L., Qian, Z., Jiang, H., Li, Y.L., Xie, Y.H., Li, F.*, Li,Y.Z.,Zou, Y.A., Deng, Z.M., Zeng, J.. 2023. Is water resources management at the expense of deteriorating water quality in a large river-connected lake after the construction of a lake sluice? Ecological Engineering.19:107124

4.Xie, Y.J., Li, F., Xie, Y.H.. 2023. Contrasting global patterns and trait controls of major mineral elements in leaf. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32(8):1452-1461.(Co-first author)

5.Hu, C., Xu, C.H., Hu, G., Zhang, Z.H., Li, F.*, Xie, Y.H.. 2023. Effect of water level and submergence time on leaf growth, stoichiometry and homeostasis of Carex brevicuspis. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 21(1):623-635.

6.Geng, M.M., Niu, Y.D., Liao, X.H., Wang, K.L., Yang, N., Qian, Z., Li, F.*, Zou, Y.A., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.. 2022. Inter- annual and intra-annual variations in water quality and its response to water level fluctuations in a river-connected lake, Dongting Lake, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 29:14083-14097

7.Geng, M.M., Wang, K.L., Yang, N., Qian, Z., Li, F.*, Zou, Y.A., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.. 2021. Is water quality better in wet years or dry years in river-connected lakes? A case study from Dongting Lake, China. Environmental pollution. 290:118115

8.Geng, M.M., Wang, K.L., Yang, N., Li, F.*, Zou, Y.A., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.. 2021. Spatiotemporal water quality variations and their relationship with hydrological conditions in Dongting Lake after operation of the Three Gorge Dam, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 283:124644

9.Geng, M.M., Wang, K.L., Nan, Yang, Li, F.*, Zou, Y.A., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.. 2021. Evaluation and variation trends analysis of water quality in respones to water regime changes in a typical river-connected lake(Dongting Lake), China. Environmental pollution. 268:115761.

10.Geng, M.M., Li, F., Gao, Y., Li, Z.Z., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Zou, Y.A., Xie, Y.H., Wang, Z.Q.. 2021. Wetland area change from 1986-2016 in the Dongting lake watershed at the sub-watershed scale. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 30(2):1-10. .(Co-first author)

11.Hu, C., Li, F., Nan Yang, Xie, Y.H., Liu, W.Z., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Fu, X.H. 2020. Testing the growth rate hypothesis with two wetland macrophytes under different water level and sediment type conditions. Frontier in Plant Science. 11:1191.(Co-first author)

12.Hu, C., Li, F.*, Xie, Y.H., Deng, Z.M., Hou, Z.Y., Li, X. 2019. Spatial distribution pattern and stoichiometry of soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus along elevation gradient in wetlands, China. European Journal of Soil Science70:128-1140

13.Wu, H.P., Li, F., Hao, B.B., Zhou, W., Xing, W., Liu, W.Z., Liu, G.H. 2019. Does hydrological reconnection enhance nitrogen cycling rates in lakeshore wetlands of a eutrophic lake? Ecological Indicator. 96:241-249.(Co-first author)

14.Liu, W.Z, Jiang, X.L., Zhang, Q.F., Li, F.*, Liu, G.H. 2018. Has submerged vegetation loss altered sediment denitrification, N2O production and denitrifying microbial communities in subtropical lakes? Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 32: 1195-1207.

15.Li, F., Hu, C., Xie, Y.H., Liu, W.Z., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2018. Influence of different P enrichment frequency on plant growth and plant C:N:P in a P-limited subtropical lake wetland, China. Frontier in Plant Science. 9:1608

16.Fu, X.H., Li, F.*, Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2018. Change in ecological stoichiometry of Carex brevicuspis in response to sampling time and elevation in Dongting Lake, China. Nordic Journal of Botnay. e01821

17.Li, F., Hu, J.Y., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M.. 2018. Foliar carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of Carex brevicuspis along a small-scale elevation gradient. Ecological Indicator. 92:322-329

18.Li, F., Yang, N., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Hu, C., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M. 2018. Competition and facilitation of two typical wetland macrophytes under different water level and nutrient heterogeneous conditions. Freshwater Science. 37(2):296-306

19.Hu, C., Li, F., Xie, Y.H., Deng, Z.M., Chen, X.S. 2018. Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of three dominate plant communities distributed along a small-scale elevation gradient in the East Dongting Lake. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 103: 28-34.(Co-first author)

20.Bai, Y.P., Li, F., Yang, G., Shi, S.W., Dong, F.Q., Liu, M.X., Nie, X.Q., Hai, J.B. 2018. Meta-analysis of experimental warming on soil invertase and urease activities. Acta Agriculture Scandinavia, Section B - Plant Soil Science 68:104-109(Co-first author)

21.Li, F., Gao, H., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2017. Foliar nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of three wetland plants distributed along an elevation gradient in Dongting Lake, China. Scientific Reports. 7:2820

22.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Zhu, L.L., Hu, C., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M. 2017. Interactive influence of water level, nutrient heterogeneity and plant density on the growth performance and root characteristics of Carex brevicuspis. Limnologica. 62:111-117

23.Li, F., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Liang S.C., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2016. Fragment growth performance of the invasive submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum under conditions of different water depths and sediment types. Aquatic Ecology. 50(4): 727-734

24.Li, F., Qin Y.Y., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Liang S.C., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2016. Effects of fragment size and sediment heterogeneity on the colonization and growth of Myriophyllum spicatum. Ecological Engineering. 95: 457-462

25.Li, F., Pan, Y., Xie Y.H., Chen X.S., Deng, Z.M., Li, X., Hou, Z.Y., Tang, Y. 2016. Different role of three emergent macrophytes in promoting sedimentation in the Dongting Lake, China. Aquatic sciences. 78: 159-169

26.Li, F., Yang, G.., Xie Y.H., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M.,Hu J.Y. 2015. Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation. Journal of Limnology. 74(3):623-630.

27.Li, F., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Jiang, L., Chen, X.S., Deng Z.M.,Pan, B.H. 2015. Colonization by fragments of the submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum under different sediment type and density conditions. Scientific Reports. 5. 11821.

28.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Zhu L.L., Jiang, L., Chen X.S., Pan B.H., Deng Z.M. 2015. Changed clonal growth form induced by sand burial facilitates Carex brevicuspis to acclimate to competition Plos one .10(3): e0121270.

29.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Zhang C., Chen X.S., Song B.B., Li, Y.Z., Tang, Y., Hu J.Y. 2014. Increased density facilitates plant acclimation to drought stress in the emergent macrophyte Polygonum hydropiper. Ecological Engineering.71: 66-70.

30.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Tang Y., Liu Y.Y., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M. , Hu J.Y., Liu N. 2014. Negative influence of burial stress on plant growth was ameliorated by increased plant density in Polygonum hydropiper. Limnologica. 45: 33-37.

31.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Chen X.S., Hou Z.Y., Li X., Deng Z.M.,Liu Y.Y., Hu J.Y., Liu N. 2013. Succession of aquatic macrophytes in the Modern Yellow River Delta after permanent alluviation over 150 year. Wetland Ecology and Management.21:219-228.

32.Li, F., Qin, X.Y., Xie, Y.H., Chen, X.S., Hu, J.Y., Hou, Z.Y. 2013. Physiological mechanisms for plant distribution pattern: responses to flooding and drought in three wetland plants from Dongting Lake, China. Limnology. 14:71-76.

33.Li, F., Xie Y., Chen, X.S., Pan, Y., Deng, Z.M., Li, X. 2011. Plant distribution can be reflected by physiological responses to salinity of three submerged macrophytes from the Modern Yellow River Delta. Fundamental & Applied Limnology.179:159-167.

34.Li, F., Li Y., Qin, H.., Xie, Y. 2011. Plant distribution can be reflected by the different growth and morphological responses to water level and shade in two emergent macrophyte seedlings in the Sanjiang Plain. Aquatic Ecology. 45:89-97.

35.Li, F., Xie, Y.. 2009. Spacer elongation and plagiotropic growth are the primary clonal strategies used by Vallisneria spiralis to acclimate to sedimentation. Aquatic Botany, 91:219- 223.  


1.谢永宏,李峰. 2023. 湿地生态系统的组成. 见姜明主编:湿地生态学第三章. 科学出版社

2.谢永宏,薛萍主编,李峰,王倩,张亦默,刘舸,王卫副主编. 2022. 洞庭湖湿地生态环境状况(2015-2020). 湖南科学技术出版社

3.谢永宏,陈心胜,李峰等. 2019. 洞庭湖洪泛湿地生态过程与变化. 见秦伯强主编:水域生态系统过程与变化.高等教育出版社. p169-214

4.李峰. 湿地生态系统结构与过程. 2019. 见谢永宏,张琛,蒋勇主编:湿地生态修复技术与模式. 中国林业出版社

5.梁士楚,胡刚,张忠华,李峰,甘肖梅,廖盛夏,杨红兰,王丽君. 2018. 桂林岩溶石山常见木本植物生态学研究. 科学出版社

6.李峰. 洞庭湖水资源状况,洞庭湖植被生态与格局演变 . 2014. 见谢永宏,张琛,蒋勇主编:洞庭湖湿地生态环境. 湖南科学技术出版社.

7.谢永宏,李峰. 2012. 沉水植物水生态过程与机理. 见邓伟,白军红主编《湿地系统水生态过程与格局耦合机理》. 科学出版社.

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