
姓 名:刘红南 性 别:女

职 务:

职 称:研究员 学 历:博士

电 话:+86 731-8461-9767 通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号

传 真:0731-84615218 邮政编码:410125



刘红南(1983.12-),博士,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究员。博士期间曾赴美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校学习(2011-2013)。主要从事植物来源功能活性物质的营养研究及其在畜牧水产领域的应用。近年来共发表科研论文40余篇,其中SCI文章20+,1区2区文章10+。参与编写著作4部,其中2部为副主编,2部为参编。现为Trends in Food Science & Technology、Animal Nutrition、PLOS One、Biological Trace Element Research等杂志的审稿人。获得1项国家发明专利和2项实用新型专利。主持国家自然基金、省级自然科学基金等项目,入选2018年湖湘青年人才计划,获得中国科学院青年创新促进会资助(2019-2022会员)。累计主持项目经费逾200万元。现任中国中医药信息研究会中医药基金分会理事(2017-2022),中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员。





2011.09-2013.09,美国University of Illinois,动物科学专业联合培养博士;










7)国家自然科学基金“动态饲喂色氨酸对哺乳仔猪能量代谢的影响及其作用机制的研究”,(No. 31501964, 2016-01-01~2018-12-31,24万,结题)





1)Liu, H, Tan, B (*), Huang, B, Li, J, Wang, J, Liao, P, Guan, G, Ji, P, Yin, Y. Involvement of calcium-sensing receptor activation in the alleviation of intestinal inflammation in a piglet model by dietary aromatic amino acid supplementation [J]. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018, 120(12): 1321-1331. [二区 IF 3.657] 一作

2)Liu H(*), Bai M, Tan B, Xu K, Yu R, Huang R, Yin Y(*). Influence of supplemented coated-cysteamine on morphology, apoptosis and oxidative stress status of gastrointestinal tract. BMC Veterinary Research 2019, 15(1):328. [二区 IF 1.958] 一作

3)Liu HN, Hu CA, Bai MM, Liu G, Tossou MCB, Xu K, Li FN, Liao P, Kong XF, Wu X, Yin YL*. Short-term supplementation of isocaloric meals with l-tryptophan affects pig growth. Amino Acids, doi: 10.1007/s00726-017-2440-3, 2017, 49(12): 2009-2014. [三区 IF 2.906] 一作

4)Liu, HN, Radlowski, Emily C., Conrad, Matthew S., Li, Yao, Dilger, Ryan N., Johnson, Rodney W. Early Supplementation of Phospholipids and Gangliosides Affects Brain and Cognitive Development in Neonatal Piglets,Journal of Nutrition,2014,144(12):1903-1909. [二区 TOP IF 4.398] 一作

5)Liu, HN,Liu, Y,Hu, L,Suo, YL,Zhang, L,Jin, F,Feng, XA,Teng, N,Li, Y(*),Effects of dietary supplementation of quercetin on performance, egg quality, cecal microflora populations, and antioxidant status in laying hens. Poult Sci,2014,93(2):347-353. [二区 TOP IF 2.216] 一作

6)Liu, H, Wu, L, Han, H, Li, Y, Wang, L, Yin, J, Fan, W, Bai, M, Yao, J (*), Huang, X, Li, T(*). Reduced dietary nitrogen with a high Lys:CP ratio restricted dietary N excretion without negatively affecting weaned piglets. Animal Nutrition, 2019, 5(2): 115-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.aninu.2019.01.001

7)Ji Y J (#), Liu HN (#), Kong X F, et al. Use of insect powder as a source of dietary protein in early-weaned piglets [J]. Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 94: supplement3: 111-116. [二区 TOP IF 1.714] 并列一作

8)白苗苗(#),刘红南(#),张旺宏,张晓峰,徐康,习欠云,邓近平(*),印遇龙(*). 减少矿物质元素的饲粮中补充包膜半胱胺对育肥猪生长性能、胴体品质、矿物质元素沉积及排放的影响. 动物营养学报, 2017, 1-12. (CSCD) 并列一作

② 通讯作者文章

1)Bai, M, Liu, H(*), Xu, K, Wen, C, Yu, R, C, Deng, J, Yin, Y. Use of coated nano zinc oxide as an additive to improve the zinc excretion and intestinal morphology of growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 2019, 97(4):1772-1783. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz065 [二区 TOP IF 1.714] 通讯

2)Bai M, Liu H(*), Zhang X, et al. Compensation effects of coated cysteamine on meat quality, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, mineral content in dorsal muscle and serum biochemical indices in finishing pigs offered reduced trace minerals diet [J]. Science China. Life sciences, 2019. [一区 IF 3.583] 通讯

3)Bai, M, Liu, H(*), Xu, K, Yu, R, Oso, AO, Deng, J, Yin, Y(*). Effects of coated cysteamine hydrochloride on muscle fiber characteristics and amino acid composition of finishing pigs. Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, 2019, 32(9): 1430. https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.18.0414 [三区 IF 1.243] 通讯

4)Xu, K., Bai, M., Bin, P., Duan, Y., Wu, X., Liu, H.(*), & Yin, Y(*). Negative effects on newborn piglets caused by excess dietary tryptophan in the morning in sows. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 2019, 99(6): 3005-3016. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9514 [二区 IF 2.379] 通讯

5)Bai M, Liu H (*), Xu K, Yin Y(*), et al. Effects of dietary coated cysteamine hydrochloride on pork color in finishing pigs [J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98(5): 1743-1750. [二区 IF 2.379] 通讯

6)Bai M, Liu H (*), Xu K, Yulong Yin (*), et al. A review of the immunomodulatory role of dietary tryptophan in livestock and poultry [J]. Amino acids, 2017, 49(1): 67-74. [三区 IF 2.906] 通讯

7)Tossou M C B, Liu H (*), Liu G (*), et al. Effect of High Dietary Tryptophan on Intestinal Morphology and Tight Junction Protein of Weaned Pig [J]. BioMed Research International, 2016, 2016. [三区 IF 2.583] 通讯

8)Yang H, Li F (*), Liu H(*), et al. Regulation in free amino acids profile and protein synthesis pathway of growing pig skeletal muscles by low protein diets for different time periods. Journal of Animal Science.2016, 94(12): 5192-5205. [二区 TOP IF 1.714] 通讯

9)Li, Y, Liu H(*), Yin Y(*), et al. Quercetin, In?ammation and Immunity. Nutrients, 2016, 8(3): 167. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8030167 [二区 IF 4.196] 通讯

10)Emmanuel N, Patil NV, Bhagwat SR, Liu H(*), Yin YY(*), et al. Effects of different levels of urea supplementation on nutrient intake and growth performance in growing camels fed roughage based complete pellet diets [J]. Animal Nutrition, 2015, 1(4): 356-361. (ESCI) 通讯

11)YANG H, Xiong X (*), Liu H(*), et al. Effects of yeast products on the intestinal morphology, barrier function, cytokine expression, and antioxidant system of weaned piglets [J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2016, 17(10):752-762. [四区 IF 1.815] 通讯

③ 参与发表文章

12) Xu K, Liu H, Bai M, Yin YY(*), et al. Redox Properties of Tryptophan Metabolism and the Concept of Tryptophan Use in Pregnancy [J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2017, 18(7): 1595. [三区 IF 3.687] 三作

13) Duan Y, Li FY(*), Tan K, Liu H, et al. Key mediators of intracellular amino acids signaling to mTORC1 activation [J]. Amino acids, 2015, 47(5): 857-867. [三区 IF 2.906]

14) Duan Y, Li FY(*), Liu H, et al. Nutritional and regulatory roles of leucine in muscle growth and fat reduction [J]. Frontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition), 2014, 20: 796-813. [三区 IF 2.349]

15) Xie, C, Wu, X. Y(*), Liu H, Yin, Y(*), et al. (2015). Effects of the Sequence of Isocaloric Meals with Different Protein Contents on Plasma Biochemical Indexes in Pigs. PloS one, 10(8), e0125640. [三区 IF 2.766]

16) 龙次民, 谢春燕, 吴信(*), 刘红南, 等. 妊娠后期母猪饲料中添加壳寡糖对新生仔猪抗氧化能力的影响[J]. 动物营养学报, 2015, 27(3): 1-7. (CSCD)

17) Oso AO, Li L, Liu H, et al. Effect of fungal fermentation with Aspergillus niger and enzyme supplementation on metabolizable energy values of unpeeled cassava root meal for meat-type cockerels [J]. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2015, 210: 281-286. [二区 IF 2.143]

18)Oso, L. Li, B. Zhang, R. Uo, J.X. Fan, S. Wang, G. Jiang, H. Liu, T. Rahu, M.C. Tossou, V. Pirgozliev, O.O. Oduguwa, A.M. Bamgbose. 2015. Effect of fungal fermentation with Aspergillus niger and enzyme supplementation on metabolisable energy values of unpeeled cassava root meal for meat-type cockerels. Animal Feed Science and Technology 210: 281-286. [二区 IF 2.143]

19)Oso, G. A. Williams, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.M. Bamgbose, A.O. Adebayo, O. Olowofeso, V. Pirgozliev, A.A. Adegbenjo, S.O. Osho, J.O. Alabi, F. Li, H. Liu, K. Yao, W. Xin. 2017. Growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, energy metabolisability and gut morphology of grower turkeys fed diet supplemented with L-arginine. Livestock Science 198: 24-30 [三区 IF 1.204]

20)Oso, G. A. Williams, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.M. Bamgbose, A.O. Adebayo, O. Olowofeso, V. Pirgozliev, A.A. Adegbenjo, S.O. Osho, J.O. Alabi, F. Li, H. Liu, K. Yao, W. Xin. 2017. Effect of dietary supplementation with L_Arginine on haematological indices, serum chemistry, carcass yield, gut microflora and lymphoid organs of grower turkeys. Livestock Science 198: 58-64. [三区 IF 1.204]

21)Oso, L. Li, B. Zhang, H. Liu, F. Li, S.O. Osho, W.A. Olayemi, V. Pirgozliev, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.M. Bamgbose 2017. Effect of processing, solid_state fermentation and limiting amino acid supplementation on metabolisable energy of peeled and unpeeled cassava root meal for meat_type cockerels. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad). 94 (3), 235-243.

22)Adedotun Adegbenjo, Abimbola Oso, Adeyemi Olajide, Richard Sobayo, Liu H. 2015. Effect of dietary organic and inorganic copper supplement on apparent nutrient digestibility, trace mineral retention, ilealmorphology and blood parameters of cockerels. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa. 63 (1): 7-17. KENYA

④ 出版著作

1) 动物营养与养殖环境控制[M],高等教育出版社,2016. 副主编。ISBN 978-7-04-044782.

2) 动物营养与养殖环境控制论文集[M],湖南科学技术出版社,2016. 副主编。ISBN 978-7-5357-592-7.

3) 饲用矿物元素配合物的研究与应用[M],科学出版社,2015. 编者。ISBN 978-7-03-044615-2

4)山羊标准化养殖操作手册,参编,湖南科技出版社,2017,编者。ISBN 978-7-5357-9646-2





4)发明专利,一种低重金属排放的无抗全价仔猪配合饲料,201910255653.7,2019年4月1日,刘红南、印遇龙、熊霞、白苗苗、余荣、徐康。 排名第一,申请

5)发明专利,一种断奶仔猪无抗生素全价配合饲料及制备方法和应用,201810148663.6,2018年2月13日,熊霞、印遇龙、刘红南、李雪。 排名第三,申请

6)发明专利,一种改善猪肉肉质的猪饲料及其制备方法,201610845879.9。2016年9月23日。排名第一 申请

7)发明专利,一种用于提高精液品质的公猪全价配合饲料,CN201510043567.1。排名第四 申请

8)发明专利,一种饲料添加剂半胱胺螯合锌的合成方法,201510232654.1。2015年8月12日。排名第四 申请


1)The 7th International Conference on Food Factors(ICoFF2019) and the 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF2019). Title: Coated nano ZnO regulates the gene expression of short chain fatty acids receptors and the balance in microbial communities in feces of weaning pigs. Dec 1-5, Kobe, Japan, 2019. 口头报告



4)Joint Annual Meeting (JAM2016). July 19-23, USA, 2016. Presentation title: Effects of dietary coated cysteamine hydrochloride on meat quality in finishing pigs[C]//2016 Joint Annual Meeting. Asas.(口头报告)

5)Food for Health International Conference (FOHIC2016). Presentation title:Effects of dietary coated cysteamine hydrochloride on meat quality in finishing pigs Mar 21-23, Japan, 2016. (口头报告) 

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