
姓 名:李振炜 性 别:男

职 务:

职 称:研究员 学 历:博士

电 话:(86)0731-84615216 通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号

传 真:0731-84612685 邮政编码:410125



1986年出生,博士,研究员。一直从事土壤侵蚀与水土保持等方面的研究,在陡坡地土壤分离过程机理、流域泥沙输移与环境因子的耦合机制、流域侵蚀产沙模拟等方面取得了创新性成果。目前主要在中国西南喀斯特区开展研究工作。获2021年第十三届中国水土保持学会科学技术一等奖(排名第4),先后主持国家自然科学基金重点项目课题、中国科学院青年创新促进会项目、湖湘青年英才项目、国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目等。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文31篇(其中一区27篇),涉及的期刊包括Water Resources Research、Journal of Hydrology(12篇)等国际地学重要刊物。长期担任Earth-Science Reviews、Water Research等40余个SCI期刊评审专家。任Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies副主编,土壤学报、水土保持学报、应用生态学报青年编委,是中国水土保持学会土壤侵蚀专业委员会常务委员、中国生态学学会生态水文专业委员会委员、中国水土保持学会石漠化防治专业委员会委员。



2012.09-2015.07 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,土壤学,博士,导师:张光辉教授

2009.09-2012.07 山东师范大学,自然地理学,硕士,导师:于兴修 教授

2005.09-2009.07 青岛理工大学,资源环境与城乡规划管理,学士


2023.01-至今 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 研究员

2018.01-2022.12 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 副研究员

2015.07-2017.12 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 助理研究员


1. 湖湘青年英才(科技创新),2021-09 至 2024-09,在研,主持;

2. 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目,2020-01至2023-12,在研,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41977073,喀斯特坡面土壤-表层岩溶带水文连通性对泥沙输移过程的影响机制,2020-01至2023-12,在研,主持;

4. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2022JJ30646,湘西岩溶区土壤及重金属流失对小流域环境演变的响应,2022-01 至 2024-12,在研, 主持;

5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目课题,41730748,西南黄壤区不同尺度土壤侵蚀与泥沙运移规律耦合关系,2018-01至2022-12,已结题,主持;

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41601299,西南喀斯特洼地泥沙沉积速率反演及来源复合指纹示踪,2017-01至2019-12,已结题,主持。


1.Li Chengfang, Wang Zhongcheng, Li Zhenwei*, Xu Xianli, Wang Kelin, 2023. Using geochemical elements to discriminate sediment sources in a typical karst watershed. Soil & Tillage Research 232: 105778.

2.Sun Mingwei; Wang Zhongcheng; Li Zhenwei*; Xu Xianli; Qin Li; Song Tao, 2023 Temporal variations in rainfall, runoff and sediment yield in small karst watersheds. Catena, 220: 107292.

3.Li Zhenwei; Xu Xianli*; Wang Kelin, 2023. Scale-Specific variation in daily suspended sediment load in karst catchments. Catena, 220: 106745.

4.Li Zhenwei; Xu Xianli*; Wang Kelin, 2023. Effects of distribution patterns of karst landscapes on runoff and sediment yield in karst watersheds. Catena, 223: 106947.

5.Zhu Miaomiao, Yu Xingxiu, Li Zhenwei*, Xu Xianli, 2023. Quantifying and interpreting the hysteresis patterns of monthly sediment concentration and water discharge in karst watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 618: 129179.

6.Cheng Si, Yu Xingxiu, Li Zhenwei*, Xu Xianli, Gao Huayi, Ye Zongda, 2023. The effect of climate and vegetation variation on monthly sediment load in a karst watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production, 382: 135290.

7.Wei Bin, Li Zhenwei*, Duan Liangxia*, Gu Zaike, Liu Xiaoming, 2023. Vegetation types and rainfall regimes impact on surface runoff and soil erosion over 10 years in karst hillslopes. Catena, 223: 107443.

8.Li Shuning, Yu Xingxiu, Li Zhenwei*, Xu Xianli, 2022. Temporal variations in the parameters of sediment rating curves in karst watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 612: 128274.

9.Zhu Kunheng, Li Zhenwei*, Duan Liangxia, Li Yuanchen, Xu Xianli, 2022. Multiscale relationships between monthly sediment load and pertinent factors in a typical karst mountainous watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 596: 125698.

10.Wang Zhongcheng, Li Chengfang, Li Zhenwei*, Yuan Ruicheng, Cao Dan, 2022. Daily suspended sediment concentrations and load variability in karst watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 596: 125698.

11.Ye Qianjun, Li Zhenwei*, Duan Liangxia, Xu Xianli, 2022. Decoupling the influence of vegetation and climate on intra-annual variability in runoff in karst watersheds. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 824: 153874.

12.Cheng Si, Yu Xingxiu, Li Zhenwei*, Xu Xianli, Ding Mingming, 2022. Using four approaches to separate the effects of climate change and human activities on sediment discharge in karst watersheds. Catena, 2022, 212: 106118.

13.Li Zhenwei; Xu Xianli*; Zhu Jingxuan; Zhong Feixia; Xu Chaohao; Wang Kelin, 2021. Can precipitation extremes explain variability in runoff and sediment yield across heterogeneous karst watersheds? Journal of Hydrology, 596: 125698.

14.Li Chengfang, Wang Zhongcheng, Li Zhenwei*, Xu Xianli, 2021. Soil erosion impacts on nutrient deposition in a typical karst watershed. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 269: 62-70.

15.Duan Liangxia, Sheng Hao, Yuan Hong, Zhou Qing, Li Zhenwei*, 2021. Land use conversion and lithology impacts soil aggregate stability in subtropical China. Geoderma, 2021, 389: 114953.

16.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Zhu Jingxuan, Xu Chaohao, Wang Kelin, 2020. The contributions of the largest erosive events to sediment yields in karst catchments. Water Resources Research, 56: e2019WR025839.

17.Li Zhenwei; Xu Xianli*; Zhu Jingxuan; Xu Chaohao; Wang Kelin, 2020. Scale-specific controls of sediment yield in karst watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 563: 124301.

18.Li Zhenwei; Xu Xianli*; Zhang Yaohua; Wang Kelin, 2020. Fingerprinting sediment sources in a typical karst catchment of southwest China. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 8: 277-285.

19.Liu Wen; Li Zhenwei*; Zhu Jingxuan; Xu Chaohao; Xu Xianli, 2020. Dominant factors controlling runoff coefficients in karst watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 590: 125486.

20.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Zhu, J., Xu, C., Wang, K., 2019. Sediment yield is closely related to lithology and landscape properties in heterogeneous karst watersheds. Journal of Hydrology 568: 437-446.

21.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Zhang, Y., Wang, K., Zeng, P., 2019. Reconstructing recent changes in sediment yields from a typical karst watershed in southwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 269: 62-70.

22.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Zhu, J., Xu, C., Wang, K., 2019. Effects of lithology and geomorphology on sediment yield in karst mountainous catchments. Geomorphology 343: 119-128.

23.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Xu, C., Liu, M., Wang, K., 2018. Dam construction impacts on multiscale characterization of sediment discharge in two typical karst watersheds of southwest China. Journal of Hydrology 558: 42–54.

24.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Xu, C., Liu, M., Wang, K., Yu, B., 2017. Annual runoff is highly linked to precipitation extremes in karst catchments of southwest China. Journal of Hydrometeorology 18: 2745–2759.

25.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Xu, C., Liu, M., Wang, K., Yi, R., 2017. Monthly sediment discharge changes and estimates in a typical karst catchment of southwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 555: 95-107.

26.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Liu, M., Li, X., Zhang, R., Wang, K., Xu, C., 2017. State-space prediction of spring discharge in a karst catchment in southwest China. Journal of Hydrology 549, 264–276.

27.Li Zhenwei, Xu Xianli*, Yu Bofu, Xu Chaohao, Liu Meixian, Wang Kelin., 2016. Quantifying the impacts of climate and human activities on water and sediment discharge in a karst region of southwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 542, 836-849.

28.Li Zhenwei, Zhang Guanghui*, Geng Ren, Wang Hao, Zhang XC., 2015. Land use impacts on soil detachment capacity by overland flow in the Loess Plateau, China. Catena 124: 9-17.

29.Li Zhenwei, Zhang Guanghui*, Geng Ren, Wang Hao., 2015. Rill erodibility as influenced by soil and land use in a small watershed of the Loess Plateau, China. Biosystems Engineering, 129: 248-257.

30.Li Zhenwei, Zhang Guanghui*, Geng Ren, Wang Hao., 2015. Spatial heterogeneity of soil detachment capacity by overland flow at a hillslope with ephemeral gullies on the Loess Plateau. Geomorphology, 248: 264-272.

31.Li Zhenwei, Zhang Guanghui*, Yu Xingxiu, Liu Qianjin, Zhang XC., 2015. Phosphorus loss and its estimation in a small watershed of the Yimeng mountainous area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 73: 1205-1216.

32.程思,于兴修,李振炜*,徐宪立. 流域输沙量变化归因分析方法综述. 地理科学进展,2021,40(12): 2140-2152.

33.李成芳,王忠诚,李振炜*,徐宪立. 西南喀斯特区土壤侵蚀研究进展. 中国岩溶,2022,41(6): 962-974.

34.陈良,胡砚霞,李振炜*,徐宪立,于兴修. 基于土壤侵蚀角度的坡面水文连通性研究进展. 水文,2023,DOI: 10.19797/j.cnki.1000-0852.20220240.

35.李振炜, 张光辉, 耿韧, 王浩. 黄土丘陵区浅沟表层土壤粘结力的状态空间模拟[J]. 农业机械学报,2015,46(6): 175-182.

36.李振炜, 于兴修, 刘前进, 井光花. 沂蒙山区典型小流域特殊降雨的磷素输出特征[J]. 环境科学,2012, 33(4): 1152-1158.

电话:0731-84615204    传真:0731-84612685    地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号    邮政编码:410125
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